欢迎来到bv伟德ios下载,2028届的同学们! 我们很高兴地欢迎您在2024-25学年来到我们的校园. Here you’ll find all the information you need to prepare for your arrival.

New freshmen arrive on campus on Saturday, August 24, to move in and begin New Student 取向. 所有新生都参加新生迎新活动. These days of activities are a fun (and important) first step in your Carthage journey. 

Before arrival, students need to complete 新员工培训 and submit medical forms. 住宿和室友分配将在整个夏天共享. Scroll down for more information about pre-arrival requirements and details. 

问题? 联系 studentinvolvement@website-accessories.com 或致电262-551-5800.


新生报到 & 入学

Before arriving on campus in the fall and participating in New Student 取向, 你必须通过以下方式完成本科生在线登记 工作日入职.

通过 新员工培训, students access their course schedules, register for classes, and review their finances. 这时,你的 新员工培训 account will only display the instructions for the online check-in process.


访问 新员工培训,用你的bv伟德ios下载用户名和密码登录.

  • 您的用户名将是您的bv伟德ios下载电子邮件地址的第一部分, 参加新学生注册后提供哪些服务. 
  • Your temporary password will be the first initial of your first and last name, 然后是你的学生证号码, 其次是bv伟德ios下载. 例如:ab1234567bv伟德ios下载
  • 如果你已经进入了你的bv伟德ios下载邮箱,你的密码 新员工培训 是你的bv伟德ios下载邮箱密码吗.
  • If you do not know your Carthage email address or are having trouble logging in, please contact your admissions representative in the Office of 入学s at admissions@website-accessories.com or 800-351-4058.


一旦您成功登录 新员工培训, 您可以访问签入任务, 其中包括您必须完成的五个不同的登记部分:

  1. 学生账户
  2. 金融援助
  3. 医疗信息
  4. 注册商
  5. 学生事务

当您完成每个部分时,门户将显示您的进度. 如果您需要在完成一个部分后进行任何更改, 请与招生办公室联系 800-351-4058.


一旦你满足了所有的要求, 完成证书将出现在您的屏幕上. Please print/save your certificate of completion and bring it with you when you arrive on campus in the fall.

All incoming students are required to provide emergency contact information, 健康保险信息, 病史, 免疫史. Medical forms are available on Thursday, 6月1日, and must be submitted by Saturday, July 15.

所有的医疗表格都可以通过网上填写 新员工培训 在医疗信息部分. 问题? 联系健康和咨询中心 262-551-5710 or health@website-accessories.com.




如果你在bv伟德ios下载学习期间需要校外治疗, your 健康保险信息 will be released to the healthcare provider upon request. This information is also needed to submit claims to the College supplemental accident and sickness benefits.

  • We strongly advise students to bring their health insurance cards to campus.
  • 如果你是外地人, please call your health insurance company and alert them that you will be out of state during the academic year. 许多保险计划要求投保人签署“离家”保险.

Accurate health information is essential to provide you with the best care possible. Students often forget past 病史, medication allergies, and routine medications when ill. This information is confidential and will not be released to anyone outside BETVLCTOR伟德登录 without your permission, 除非法律要求, 比如法院下令释放, or in reporting of certain communicable diseases to the Department of Health.


State law requires that all colleges and universities in Wisconsin annually inform students about the risks associated with meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B, and the availability and effectiveness of vaccines against these diseases. State law also requires that students who live in residence halls affirm that they have received the required information. 所有即将入学的bv伟德ios下载学生都在6月份收到了这一信息. 您需要确认您收到并阅读了这些信息. 注意:此表格将不会出现,直到学生年满18岁。 所以如果你今年夏天就要满18岁了, 你需要在生日当天或之后填写回复表格.


所有学生必须向bv伟德ios下载提交他们的免疫史. 下载及列印免疫接种史表格

Note: You must have your healthcare provider sign and stamp the form or provide a copy of your vaccination record. Carthage requires a tetanus booster within the last 10 years and two doses of Measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 及风疹(MMR). 国际学生也可能需要进行肺结核检测. (Please contact the Health and Counseling Center regarding tuberculosis testing if you are an international student.) You can obtain your vaccination records from your healthcare professional or former high school. If you were vaccinated in Wisconsin, your vaccination history may be available on the 威斯康星州免疫登记处. 免疫日期必须包括月、日和年.

Please make every effort to have your records sent to the College before class enrollment. It becomes increasingly difficult to track down records after you arrive on campus. 如果你无法取得疫苗接种记录, 您可能需要重新接种疫苗或完成免疫档案. Please contact the Health and Counseling Center at 262-551-5710 as soon as possible to discuss your individual circumstance.


You only need this form if you are 17 or younger on the first day you arrive on campus. 下载及列印同意书

所有停放在bv伟德ios下载停车场的车辆都需要持有有效的许可证. Student parking permits for the 2023-24 academic year may be obtained beginning at noon Thursday, 6月1日, 通过 停车许可证门户.


Annual resident student parking lot permits for the 2023-24 academic year are:

  • 35街地段——275美元
  • 第14大道地段——275美元
  • 网球中心地段- 650美元
  • 公寓地段(17街)- 750美元
  • 派克河地块——1100美元
  • 南下地段- $1,600

网球中心地块, 第14大道地段, 和35街停车场都有停车场班车服务.


Commuting students enrolled for 12 credits can choose from the following parking options:

  • 校外通勤停车场* - 250美元
  • 校园通勤地段(南下地段或北上地段)- 450美元



Permits will be distributed to students as they arrive on campus in the fall. Any permit not claimed by the first day of the academic term may be redistributed, and the registration voided with any payments made toward the permit purchase credited to the student’s account.

计划参加实习的学生, 观察时间, or enroll in any program that will require them to maintain a vehicle on campus at any time during the next academic year are strongly encouraged to register for a parking permit in advance.

If you have any questions regarding parking permits, please send an email to publicsafety@website-accessories.com.

住房 information and roommate assignments will be sent to our residential students via email based on when they complete their housing applications.

  • Students who submit their housing applications before May 31 will receive their housing information on 6月1日6.
  • Students who submit their housing applications by June 30 will receive their housing information on July 14.
  • Students who submit their housing applications after June 30 will be placed on a rolling basis.

如果您有关于住房的问题,请发电子邮件 housing@website-accessories.com.

